Oz Magazine
Issue 11-4 (Ozcetera)
Technical Kudos!

The Society for Technical Communication (STC) Atlanta's Chapter Awards Banquet on April 16th brimmed with talent, and awards. Here's the rundown: Outstanding STC member volunteers were rewarded for their contributions to the chapter with a variety of honors. The winners (and their respective award titles) were: Brian Fleming, Member of the Year Award. Bob Dodrill, Member of the Year Award. Gene Larson, President's Award. Angie Morris, Continuing Service Award. Steve Shepherd, Newcomer of the Year Award. Al Hood, Behind the Scenes Award. Technical Communicators from local firms also earned Best of Show Awards for their entries in the Technical Communications Competitions of the STC, Atlanta Chapter. The Best of Show is selected from among the winners of the top award, Distinguished Technical Communication in each competition as the best entry in that competition. Those best entries are: In the Online Communications Competition IDD Solutions of Decatur for the entry, Ceridian's ResponsePlus.net Training, Bonnie Davis, Lynette Basler (Ceridian Corp.), and Issac Tabe (consultant). In the Technical Art Competition American Honda Motor Co. of Alpharetta for the entry, Honda Marine Carburetion Manual, Jeffrey Woll, Joe Koury, Ed Stula (Technical Illustrations), and Kelly Jeske (IPC Communication Services). In the Technical Publications Competition, LOMA of Atlanta for the entry, Customer Relationship Management.

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