VCS Launches Digital Pipeline VCS Launches Digital Pipeline Video Copy Services, Inc. (VCS), an Atlanta video tape duplication and post production services company, unleashed a stack of new services aimed at professional communicators, who are integrating traditional linear video tape based programs into multimedia applications and vice versa. Dubbed "Digital Pipeline," VCS now offers the expertise, hardware, and software needed to convert video tape images and audio to computer files, which can be used in multimedia applications. They are also converting graphics, animation, sound, and video images to video tape for playback or editing into other video or multimedia programs.
Recently VCS repurposed Macromedia Director applications for video tape duplication for Russell Corporation. Another project recently completed by VCS was for idtv, for an exhibit at the recent SuperComm '98 show held in Atlanta. VCS promises that in the future they will be able to convert to other streaming video file formats for use on the Internet. Real Video and Real Audio, Vivo Active, Clear Player, Streamworks, and Microsoft NetShow are the most widely accepted to date and will be integrated into the VCS Digital Pipeline Services roster.