Peggy Hayes Lenses First Feature Peggy Hayes Lenses First Feature IMAGE successfully presented "Nandi," a new feature film shot entirely in Atlanta by local filmmaker Peggy Hayes. The film is a suspense thriller set behind the scenes of an upscale magazine catering to black women. "Nandi" tells the complex story of two female reporters whose lives are threatened when they attempt to uncover a major corporate crime. A Spelman College graduate, Hayes is an independent filmmaker who began her career in late 80's. Hayes sharpened her skills as an intern on the CBS miniseries, "In the Heat of the Night," working under Television Director Russ Mayberry. Hayes is committed to the advancement of black cinema. In 1992 Hayes founded Night of the Black Independents, an Atlanta organization which produces an annual film festival in which filmmakers of African descent can showcase their work. Hayes plans to parlay "Nandi" into a television series.