Primal Screen Refaces Cartoon Network Primal Screen Refaces Cartoon Network Primal Screen, an animation, broadcast, and sound design company, recently embarked on a year long mission to reface Cartoon Network. The three year old company is creating new cel animation for each show the network broadcasts in the form of :5 and :9 bumpers and :110 menus. Primal Screen delivers about twenty-two spots every six weeks. Primal Screen has been given the chance to explore the style and technique of some of the great animation houses, including Warner Brothers, Hanna-Barbera, MGM, Fleischer, Jay Ward, and Tatsunoko (Speed Racer). The animators also developed original styles for generic bumps and menus.

In addition to creating the animation for the reface, Primal Screen is also responsible for the music and sound design. The scores are played in a style based on classic cartoon music. The show themes are combined with the bass line of the famous cartoon standard "Powerhouse." Doug Grimmett, President of Primal Screen, explains the project is so much fun because the folks at Cartoon Network love the same thing he does, cartoons.