Denton "Reel's" In Gold And Silver Awards
Denton "Reel's" In Gold And Silver Awards
Scripts Unlimited's President and Senior Writer Martha Denton received both the Golden and Silver Reel awards at the 1999 International Television Association (ITVA) National Conference. She was the only member of the Atlanta ITVA Chapter to bring back a Golden Reel. For both winning entries Denton's client was United Parcel Service. The Gold winner was "The Hub-Time Show," a parody of Tim Allen's "Tool Time Show" for "Home Improvement." The UPS version encourages employees to keep their hubs - distribution centers - neat and clean. "Seat Belt Safety: It Matters," was the Silver winner. Additionally, Denton has served twice on ITVA's national Blue Ribbon Panel. She has taught script writing at ITVA's National Conference and has served as volunteer co-director of the organization's Scriptwriters Special Interest Group (SIG).