Doppler Stays Busy Doppler Stays Busy

Doppler Studio’s calendar is busier than a socialite’s smile. Recently, Columbia Records hosted a live radio broadcast with musical performers, the Jayhawks, and the Indigo Girls in Doppler’s Studio E as part of the company’s Radio Hour series. The mellow musical moment was sent via ISDN to ABC Globecast. John Harris engineered while Ralph Cacciurri and Shawn Coleman assisted and Mitch Matatanski produced.

Buena Vista Post Production booked Doppler’s Studio A to loop ADR for Columbia Pictures’ “Little Nicky” starring the zany Adam Sandler. Coleman recorded, Quinton Nixon assisted.

WestWayne mixed a national television PSA campaign on Doppler’s premises. Bryan Jameson directed the spot for Partnership for a Drug-Free America. Haley Turner acted as Copywriter. Cartoon Network brings a steady stream of post projects to Doppler including their “Cartoon Fridays On Tour” promotion. Engineers, Fay Salvaras and Gopal Swamy worked with Writer Mary Rutt and Producer Beth Haden on a radio campaign and cartoon segments for the tour. The spot was produced by Cartoon Network Creative Director, Jimmy Hamiter. The big screen campaign will showcase the network’s original programming at outdoor parks across the country.

Two projects produced in part by Doppler Studios have warranted special notice. Cartoon Network won a Silver award at the ProMax broadcasting convention in New Orleans for its “Smelly Telly” campaign, a sort of “scratch and sniff” promotion for the network’s programming. The campaign was produced by Mary Rutt and sound design was created by Doppler engineer Salvaras.

The children’s audio book CD “Sir Douglas Fir,” by local actor and producer, Ric Reitz received the 2000 Independent Publishers’ Book Award from the Independent Book Publishers Association. The program featured original music and sound design edited and mixed by Granger Beem and composed by Jim Ellis.