ComGroup Tunes In ComGroup Tunes In

From blues to doo-wop, ComGroup’s campaign for local radio station WRFG 89.3 FM has it all. Resulting in a series of posters, the campaign focuses on each program and how it fits with the listener’s lifestyle. The poster for Rocker’s International – a reggae program – shows a young, hip man relaxing in a diner booth, listening to his headphones. The headline reads, “Listen while you eat breakfast. Saturday afternoon.” Another poster, celebrating the Good Morning Blues program, features a middle-aged man enjoying his morning coffee and paper, with the headline, “Wake up with the blues and your day can only get better.”

Other posters highlight the gospel show, the doo-wop show, and weekly news programs. Posters were targeted at local record shops, diners, and other “appropriate” venues. A few can also been glimpsed in this year’s ShowSouth annual.

Credits include Creative Director Jim Newbury, Art Director Don Grant,Copywriter Wally Stoneman, and Photographer Nigel Marson.