History in the Digital Age History in the Digital Age
Mindflex took tradition to the web in a recent project for the Greene County Heritage Project. The site contains historical accounts as told by residents of Greene County, Georgia. Mindflex Creative Director, Jeromie Neidlinger, had produced a similar project as a tribute to his family. The CD-ROM Neidlinger created, “Foundations,” was packed with childhood photos, movies, and stories of growing up in rural Alabama and made a lasting impression on the Mindflex staff. “Foundations” actually became the inspiration for the Greene County site.
In 1998, Mindlex approached the Greene County Chamber of Commerce with the idea of archiving its history on the web. The Chamber enthusiastically accepted the idea. The final result of extensive interviews and research was a comprehensive, online archive for the county. The team kept the design fresh and contemporary using Flash components to keep the site dynamic while the color scheme, fonts, and images convey the sense of history and tradition. “We wanted the [the site] to incorporate a strong entertainment factor, so that it wasn’t purely an archiving of history. Our aim was to enhance the user experience, to encourage our viewers to explore further,” said Neidlinger.