CCA’s Jazzy New Look CCA’s Jazzy New Look

With a new director, it was only time before Creative Club (CCA) got a new look. Accompanied by techno music, the Flash-dancing new site debuted at the club’s monthly meeting in June. The Art In stitute of Atlanta’s Director of Graphic Design, Larry Stultz and student, Jared England designed the new site.

Music comes care of CCA’s Director, Chris Bradley and Designer England who mix music under the moniker of The Wondertwins. Users can select their own soundtracks and visuals on the site which also boasts interactive “I-Vites” to the club’s events. Users can also join the club online as well as fill out entry forms for the club’s signature awards show, ShowSouth, instead of filling out those copious forms manually.

Another annual CCA event, “Art for Money” was pulled off without a hitch. Benefiting the Lillian DuMont Foundation, the event was hosted by PC&E. Guests bid on local art from 35 con tributing artists. Work by DWP/Bates’ Creative Director, Roy Trimble captured the highest bid, going for $135. CCA handed the Lillian DuMont Foun dation a check for $2000. The found ation was started by EAI’s Rick Anwyl to pro vide emer gency and edu cational aid to people in the creative community.